Friday, April 29, 2016

PCI Standard Adds Multi-Factor Authentication Requirements

This Halloween, if you're an admin and access #creditcard data, you'll have to do multifactor. #pci #security

Easy IoT for Raspberry Pi

Interesting #IoT play for #raspberrypi connection to #smartphones. Any users out there?

The MakerBot Obituary

RIP #makerbot, once the darling of the #3dprinting #opensource community, it's all but dead now:

Welcome to the Orange File System Project

The new Orange File System for #linux. Would like case studies and benchmarks.

10 Lessons for Pricing SaaS Products

Pricing for #SaaS products, but most are applicable to any product. #business

100 Podcasts That Will Make You Smarter, Better, and Wiser

List of 100 #business #podcasts from the folks at INC. Not enough hours in the day :-(

The secretive, billionaire-backed plans to harness fusion

#fusion energy is 20 years away. Haven't we been saying that for the past 50 years?

The Tenth Annual Future of Open Source Survey

New survey of #opensource usage and contributors. tl;dr we've taken over the world.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Pi Speakers

Speaker kit site. Looks like some good reference material at the bottom of the page:

A Venn diagram from Japan to help find your purpose in life. A bit short on history of the concept, though: #inspiration

How to Force Check Root Filesystem using fsck During Reboot

Interesting trick to force fsck to run on /. Does is work on all Linux distros? I bit hazy on that

Blog Comments Revisited: Why Major Bloggers Are Turning Comments Back On

Do you allow comments on your blog? Out of fashion for a while, they're coming back:

Quick Tip: The Best Way To Make Sticky Footers

Gentle intro to flex layout by way of a sticky footer. #webdesign, #css

Learn to Code: 13 Tips that Could Save You Years of Effort

All in all, good advice on learning to program, but not sure about starting with JavaScript

Inside “Emojigeddon”: The Fight Over The Future Of The Unicode Consortium

I've thought for a while that the unicode guys were getting off-track: 

I Was Wrong About the Limits of Solar; PV Is Becoming Dirt Cheap.

The price of solar cell generated electricity is falling faster than expected. Not sure about HVDC

US Slavery through the years

Good multiples of maps showing # and % of slaves per decade. Good #datavisualization, very data-rich

You never knew you could do so much with RSS feeds

Lots of uses for the humble RSS feed: on your website, for social media, you name it.

How to Tell When Statistics Are Bullshit

Spotting problems with popular stats. I think kids should take stats instead of trig.

The Ultimate Ad Dimension Cheat Sheet for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Other Social Networks

Ad dimensions for social media infographic. When they say "ultimate" they mean it.

How to Curate Your Social Content With Reddit

How to be a reddit power-reader with multireddits, then share out via rss or buffer:

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Inside OpenAI, Elon Musk’s Wild Plan to Set Artificial Intelligence Free

Looks like they're kinda hedging on the Open Source angle, and their site's slammed.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

It's Impossible to Validate an Email Address

Many people don't know, but early Egyptian hieroglyphs were actually attempts at finding a #regex to validate an email address:

Good practices for writing shell scripts

I'm teaching #shellprogramming next semester, I'll keep this article in my hip pocket:

Eloquent Create, Update, New...the Untold Story

The not-so-obvious difference between "new" and "create" in #laravel.

The Great Big List of Twitter Lists, Ideas, and Tools

I've never used #twitterlists much, but this article is about to change my mind. Any of you use them? If so, for what?

Alton Brown's 6 Favorite Atlanta Lunch Spots

Don't know if I'm brave enough to try all of these, but a couple look interesting:

Michael C. Fina, Park Avenue Wedding Retailer, Bets on

Strange case here. A NYC retailer shuts their brick&mortar and goes online selling through #amazon. Will it work? #ecommerce

Square Credit Card processing & business solutions

Wow! Square isn't just a smartphone #creditcard reader anymore. They're a full-fledged #ecommerce and #POS vendor:

The actors and actresses who most consistently appear in terrible movies

Not opinions about who are the best/worst actors but statistics about which appear in the worst/best movies, very cool:

Polymer JavaScript library

Polymer is a #avaScript library that makes reusable #UI components via custom tags. Examples would help:

What is Content Marketing? Definition, Examples & Resources for Learning More

Buzzword clarifier - what is content marketing, with examples:

PEX, simplifying employee spending

Interesting way to control employee spending, by centrally controlled and reported prepaid cards

Linux Programming - threading basics

programming linux, actually posix threads hints

Telescope adapters

for astrophotography

Monday, April 25, 2016

Logging apache access to MySQL

the tough part is getting mod_log_sql_mysql

Ubuntu Linux Is Everywhere

Interesting facts about who runs Ubuntu and how many machines out there run it. Hint: Lots!

Unauthenticated CSRF reboot flaw in ARRIS (Motorola) SURFboard modems

This isn't as bad as the title indicated. It's only TimeWarner firmware. My modem from Amazon wasn't effected.

Pagespeed: how to achieve a 100% score in Joomla

I've only been able to get Joomla sites up to about 92 on pagespeed. Here's how to squeeze out more: 

Designer's guide to DPI

very long, detailed description of pixels in design, especially for mobile devices:

Film Dialogue from 2,000 screenplays, Broken Down by Gender and Age

Very well done study and visualizations on film dialogue by gender and age:

War Stories: Why I Lit Up Lytro

Interesting read about startups pivoting and the thought processes behind it:

The Fight for the Future of NPR

Can the stogy realm of #NPR compete against a younger generation of #podcasters and innovators? I'm betting on the new blood

JavaScript Callbacks Explained Using Minions

Imaginative way of illustrating #JavaScript #callback functions using minions:

How To Pick a Frontend Web Framework

Somewhat subjective, but interesting walk-through of picking a front-end #development #framework:

Removing User Interface Complexity, or Why React is Awesome,-or-Why-React-is-Awesome

Intro to React.js for user interfaces. Has good demos in the sidebar.

So Curious

Promising new blog about science and math. I like their attitude. Hope they can sustain it.

Why Javascript Development is Crazy

After dealing a bit with Node.js. I can agree with this article: 

Living on a Prayer

I have mixed feelings about this. What say you?

The Beginner's Guide to Dictation Software: Write Without Typing

I've tried several of these and agree that Google Docs does a great job:

Sunday, April 24, 2016

How the Recession Reshaped the Economy, in 255 Charts

Really great set of #visualizations from #NYT about how the recession reshaped the US #economy. Tufte would be proud:

This Philosopher Helped Ensure There Was No Nobel for Relativity

I took philosophy as a #physics major at Georgia Tech, and I never heard of this philosopher whose ideas contradicted #relativity

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Don't Dismiss Georgia Tech's $6,600 Online Master's Degree

A former student of mine at Emory is enrolling. I'll be interested in seeing how it goes. 

Amazon Prime Video Has 4 Times Netflix's Movie Lineup, But Size Isn’t Everything

Netflix is making great gains with its original content.

63 Businesses to Start for Under $10,000

and all of them need websites. How do I get in front of them all?

Theranos: How to Blow $9 Billion in 6 Months

Hint: when something's too good to be true, it usually is. Theranos' fall from grace: